How to Unlock Old Town Safehouse in Redfall

How to Unlock Old Town Safehouse in Redfall- Developed by Arkane Austin and published by Bethesda Softworks Redfall has finally been released for Xbox and PC. The open-world, single-player, and co-op First Person Shooter game has received mixed reviews from critics.

The concept of the game is pretty basic, only this time you take down hordes of vampires instead of zombies. In Redfall, you need to unlock various Safehouses and there are quite a few in the game. The Old Town area is located to the Southeast of Redfall‘s first map.

You will be able to find a Safehouse in this location which is definitely not hard to find. However, unlocking it could be a bit tricky. This guide will be helping you to find and unlock this safe house in the game.

How to Unlock Old Town Safehouse in Redfall

If you are looking for the location of the Old Town Safehouse on the map, here it is:

It is better to unlock the safehouse when you come across it.

When you arrive at the location of the Safehouse, look around and you would find two beams of red light crossing each other. These are called Watchers, who are extremely annoying to deal with.

You need to take them down to proceed further and I would recommend not to fight them head on. The best thing to do would be to use a Sniper Rifle and eliminate them with headshots. Or you can just sneak your way past their vision and get below them. Then take them down with any gun you want.

Once you have dealt with the watchers you are now free to head to the generator and turn it on. You won’t be needing a key for this either. I would recommend unlocking this safe house as quickly as you can. This adds to your fast travel and you might need to travel in and out of this area quite often.

That is all you need to know about unlocking the Old Town Safehouse in Redfall. I hope the guide was helpful. Please let us know in the comments below. Also, follow FPS Index for more guides on Redfall. 

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