QUAN CHI and KHAMELEON Release Date for Mortal Kombat 1 (MK1)

We finally got the Quan-Chi and Khameleon Trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 and I could not be more excited. They promised us DLC characters in Winter and it could not have got better than the evil sorcerer himself.

The trailer looks promising enough and it was certainly worth the wait. However, the question of when these two will become playable in-game remains.

QUAN CHI and KHAMELEON Release Date for Mortal Kombat 1 (MK1)

My boy Quan Chi has always played a key role in the previous Mortal Kombat timeline. Even though things have drastically changed under Liu Kang’s supervision, the dude still manages to plot his way into Outworld and create Ermac.

As for Khameleon, if you haven’t played the Nintendo version of MK Trilogy and Armageddon, you would probably not know about her. Let’s not confuse the character with her male counterpart Chameleon. She could use the special moves of Jade, Mileena, and Kitana and also Tanya in MK Armageddon. Bringing her back is one of the best things NetherRealm Studios could have done for Mortal Kombat 1.

Users are now pretty eager to know how she would perform as a Kameo and as far as the trailer goes, she looks OP.

Now back to the reason why we are here in the first place. When do we get to play as Quan Chi and Khameleon?

Quan Chi will be playable from the 14th of December,2023 as Early Access to users who have the Premium Edition or have bought the Kombat Pack. 

Khameleon however, does not drop until the month after. I hoped that they would drop her along with the sorcerer but it seems like we have to wait till January 2024 to actually have her as a playable Kameo in the MK1.

There is no official date related to her launch but we will surely update this guide as soon as we get our hands on that piece of information.

That is all on “QUAN CHI and KHAMELEON Release Date for Mortal Kombat 1 (MK1)“.

I hope the guide was helpful. Please let us know in the comments section below and also follow FPS Index for more guides on Mortal Kombat 1.


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